
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Christmas & New Year!!!

Hi ROARsome folks!
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas & New Year.
Many thanks for a fantastic 2010!
Have a good break & see you soon in 2011!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

TASK Force 2011 Applications are now closed

Hi Grades 6!
Please note that applications for TASK Force 2011 is now closed.
Those who have applied will be getting their 2011 rosters soon.

Lesson 7: Wealth

hey Hey HEY!

This week's task is to come up with 3 things that you can go without, to put that time/money/energy towards helping the poor. Start small, with a plan to increase it as you get better at it.

Be realistic and creative.

Check out for ideas of what you can buy for someone in poorer countries. You can buy a goat! How cool is that?! I want a goat! BUY ME A GOAT! Just kidding. But seriously, buy me one.

Live long and prosper!
Ben S

p/s All posts need to be in before this Thursday

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lesson 6: The Cost

Sup ROAR gangstas

For this task, you need to name a couple of things you think God might be asking you to give up for him.

For example: giving up Wii time to spend a little more time with God, spend less on lollies and give it to poor people overseas who need it more.

If any of you post those examples as your answers, U-Wen will sit on your face. That would be unpleasant.

Take it easy!
Ben S

p/s Post your answers by Thursday

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lesson 5: Sermon on the Mount - A Radical Lifestyle (part 2)

Hear ye, hear ye, villagers of the village ROAR in the land of CityLife.

I hereby commission all of thee to find the best bible verse on not judging others!

Thou wilt find such verses at

Goodeth lucketh!

Onward merry people of ROAR!

That was very very lame, but hey, don't judge me!

Peace out!
Ben S

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lesson 2: Temptation

Yo roar peeps,

This week's task is to come up with a list of justification sentences that should set off alarm bells. Post your answers as comments, and the most original, creative answer will win a prize!

Peace out

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lesson 3: Outcasts

Hey guys and gals!

Comment on this post to tell us your strategy that meets some needs.

The task was:

Design a strategy to meet a need (physical, emotional, spiritual) in the world. You have $5,000 dollars and 5 staff members. The best types of strategy are sustainable (they don’t damage the environment, and they keep going even when a particular person is replaced), and connect two realities together.

E.g. a company in America makes customised laptop cases out of old t-shirts, and gives all the profits to freeing slaves in poor countries. They connected the realities that thousands of t-shirts get thrown out each year, and that thousands of people are sold into slavery each year. They came up with a way to solve both problems.

Instructions for how to comment are in the first post.

Good luck!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekly Questions

Hey guys and gals!

Post your answers here to the challenge each week!

Click '1 comments' below the weekly post, to begin.

On the 'Comment as:' dropdown list, choose 'Name/URL'. Type in your first name and initial of last name (e.g. Ben S), click continue, and write your answer.

Peace out!